Are you being threatened and fear for your life and your safety, as well as that of your children? Victim Support Switzerland will help you find a safe place.

Victim Support Switzerland will help you find a protected environment for you and your children – this can be a women’s shelter, as a place where you can find peace and quiet to plan your next move.
This can become necessary if you experience violence within your family environment, for example, and no longer feel safe at home, or if you are a victim of human trafficking and need a way out.
Contact Victim Support Switzerland.
If you are in acute danger,
get yourself to safety with a neighbour or a friend, or in a shelter;
or call the police (117).
You can find a shelter here
Women and their children
- Frauenhaus Aargau Solothurn
- Frauenhaus Bern
- Frauenhäuser Bern: AppElle! 24h-Hotline: 031 533 03 03
- Frauenhaus und Beratungsstelle Region Biel
- Frauenhaus Thun Berner Oberland
- Frauenhaus beider Basel
- Solidarité femmes - centre LAVI Fribourg
- AVVEC Solidarité femmes Genève
- Frauenhaus Graubünden
- Frauenhaus Luzern
- SAVI Service d'aide aux victimes, Neuchâtel
- Frauenhaus St. Gallen
- Associazione e Casa Armònia Ticino
- Associazione Consultorio e Casa delle Donne Lugano
- Casa Santa Elisabetta, Lugano
- Centre d'accueil Malley Prairie, Vaud
- Unterschlupf Valais
- Frauenhaus Winterthur
- Frauenhaus und Beratungsstelle Zürcher Oberland
- Frauenhaus Zürich Violetta
- Herberge für Frauen, Zug